My weekend..........

My weekend.....

I had been to my native place as I got two days off. My native place is in Trichur, Kerala - a typical Indian Village and I just love that place for being like that. I had been and is still continuing the same innocent notes everywhere. Modernisation, urbanisation and such complex themes have not yet contaminated this heavenly place. Whenever I get time, I used to rush myself there to escape from all the hurries and worries of wordly-affairs.

The long drive from my place in a half-crowded bus itself wipes out all the worries and let us relax for a while. While getting down, out of rejoice,I used to poke at all those people I know, take time for a small chit-chat and hurry up waving bye's swearing that I will return soon. The most soothening scene for a gal living in the midst of sky-scraping buildings are the long meadows and the paddy field which befits the nature at the best rendering greenery and prosperity everywhere. Kids playing in the barren field popularly known as " Kuttiyum Kolum ". Meanwhile some are seen busy with the long -flying kites and striving hard to manage their kites in the fast blowing wind.The very sight lightens the heart so much. Aged people as for a time -pass do fishing and some elderly women are seen busy with drying chilly, pepper, pappadam, and other agro products. Other kids follows me in fond of chocolates because they are sure that I have it for them.

Now I am stepping to my Tharavadu. The Padippura is the symbolisation of such typical old houses of Kerala. It remarcates to welcome the guests at anytime. Followingly, I could see a Tulsi Thara where the Holy plant Tulsi is planted and Vilakk is lighted in the morning and evening. At the entrance, all my relatives and neighbours welcome me with hugs and querries packed with love .While my Grandmother (my favourite) greets with her tears of joy which is an usual scenario when someone gets back home after many days. But sincerely, those tears are the greatest bonds which pulls me back to visit this place  very often.

Now its time for a dip in our nearby river rejuvenating the mind and refreshing the body.My cousins also joins me coz they have lots of restriction if my aunty or uncle take them. We all have a great time in the river exhibiting many adventures. Even the small kids are expert in diving,swimming and playing balls at rivers.Its getting late and we could hear a light sound of Aunty calling us from the house. Its getting late,We need to get ready for visiting temple .So, we are returning home.

We are rushing to temple and can see people busily going back to their homes from paddy fields.Small shops getting ready for night-Chats.After prayers and offerings, we return back home. Its time for Chit-Chats, hide n seek play,teasing, shouting, and all those stuffs. Next comes a feast with mouth-watering varities. We had a sumptous feast.Now, grandmother is waiting for all of us in her room after reading Ramayana possessing a granary of stories.We all settle at her room this night . She started her stoories. As she went on, I admires coz she have no change at all and I really miss my childhood days quarrelling with my brother and other cousins who all are settled abroad now.As she is waving her hands through my hairs, I dont know when I went into sleep.Thats the heavenly touch and feel I often miss when I am at City.

The Kids there wake up early morning. They woke me up putting water onto my face.Out of fury of disturbing that Baby-sleep, I started to slap them. As I rose from my bed to beat them, I opened my eyes and saw myself in the very same room in my home at the City. I was thinking for a while and I realised that it was a dream. For me, a very sweet,refreshing dream.I layed in the bed for some more time recollecting all those goodness of my native place and planning to make the visit possible often postponing just for the reason " I am busy this month, I'll make it next time "........

1 Feedbacks:

Navaneeth said...

Woow Da Nee alu kollam alloo :) Teacheree Kalkii too


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