How To Create Content For Social Media

Creating content for social media can be a tedious job. The demand for fresh and interesting content on a regular basis is very high. What type of content clicks for you audience obviously depends on their taste. So, know your audience well before you setup a content calendar. Testing different types of content and measuring the response received can help you get started. For example, if your fans are more interested in humor, it won’t hurt to share some meme or jokes, but don't overdo. If you keep posting only funny stuff on your company page people will soon assume your company is busy laughing out loud and no business happens there. Well, that's not what you want, is it? So, it is important to get serious every now and then. Give your fans something useful and they will thank you. Flaunt your expertise and they will praise you. The key is to keep the right balance!


These are some specific types of content that communicates with your audience in different ways.

Informative - Shows brand expertise
Share your knowledge with your audience. You can share useful tips, talk about new trends and reveal insights. The content should be visually attractive.

Entertaining - Shows a friendly brand image
Tell your brand story; make your fans smile or laugh. Make sure the content is relevant to your brand.

Different - Shows brand personality
Exhibit your brand as one of a kind by giving a fresh take on things. Something that provokes thinking is ideal. Your content should inspire the audience to join you.

Common mistakes to avoid: 
  • Provide quality content that invites engagement and sharing. Using low quality images or copyrighted images is not appealing to the readers.
  • Constantly pushing sales and promotional content that do not offer value to readers or their network can destroy your marketing efforts.

Consistency with respect to quality and frequency of your content will help build trust and authority with your audience. When readers trust you and your content it becomes easier to share.

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