The creepy thing called automation

Messages hold a lot of power in marketing. Especially when it comes down to Social Media, the medium itself becomes the message. Like Marshall Mcluhan once said, "the medium is the message". But when you let the power of automation peep into your online pages, ocassionally (automatically) letting computer brains communicate with real people, you are in fact breaking the ideals of a 'social' medium. Not just that, you are also making yourself vulnerable to social media disasters.

You have time and again listened to the loud cries of "engagement" and "transparency" of brands on Social Media. But a cloud looming over your online interactions is the need for automation. It is technology supporting you in every possible way empowering businesses to reach audiences on social media like never before. But again, if not done right, it wins you an unholy identity you never wished for.

Ideally, every organisation expects itself to stay true to your social media roots. The online audience is extremely fragile and sensitive that not everyone would stand being tricked by a 'fake' you. Situation demands timely response and effective interaction. And you should really find serious time to interact with the online community. 

Convenience shouldn't turn into a luxury

Being able to send your message on multiple social sites is a necessity. Automation shouldn't be a reason for you to relax and shut down. Social Media is no child's play and it should be dealt with prying eyes and alert senses. 

Stumbling upon blunders

There's an unwanted list of social media blunders piled up every day. It's entirely your choice, whether or not to find a place there. The scene is as vulnerable as ever; even the biggest of brands like Dominos made it to the list.

Case Study - Feedbacks can be good too!
Feedback on social media is the conversation you wanted. And when it happens to be a positive feedback, you shouldn't miss on that. Dominos didn't really miss it; but they made a mess of it. (This happened back in 2013)

Here's a happy (soon-gonna-be mad) customer posting some serious compliment and Dominos wasn't really happy at all. They replied with an apology. 
Rightly guessed, the reply was automated. There's wasn't a way back now, and all Dominos could do was jokingly try to cover up the auto-response.

Being at the customer’s service

People don't like canned messages. Especially when talking to a brand they follow, they expect the brand to be real and not a robot pressing the same button for every action. It's just like talking to your customer offline. You have to have a human voice everywhere.

Technology is the real irony here. An automated message fades away the reliability and loyalty of brand towards its customers. To have a flawless social media life today, you need to build a comprehensive social media strategy. When conversation extends to personal interaction and individual communication on a volatile medium like Facebook or Twitter, it’s good to have it at least monitored by sensible human brains.

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